Men men men men, manly men men men!" "Men men men men, manly men, oo hoo hoo, hoo hoo, oo.

Has anyone else noticed the increase in manly men ads. It’s like the guy with the burly voice and strong presence is becoming the mascot for every brand out there. Among the many there is the Most Interesting Man in the World for Dos Equis; The Man Your Man Could Smell Like for Red Spice and; Mayhem, the guy from the Allstate commercial. While they do create a great buzz and comical relief amongst the viewers, what about the ones that just plain suck?!

I love Red Spice, Dos Equis, and Allstate from their original ingenuity but to all the other brands out there who are jumping on the bandwagon for the sake of being cool, we see right through your wannabe schemes and it’s not working. In fact, you’re actually doing yourself a disservice.

Yeah , I’m talking to you Dr. Pepper . It looks like you had to send something to the press in less than ten minutes so you decided to copy every other great idea but change up the delivery.

The Round Up Recap:

The Good:

    The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

The Bad:

    Dr. Pepper

The Downright Annoying:
    I hope such a thing like this does not exist.


19. Why does this Facebook generated campaign work and others don’t?

You cannot just hand someone a product or a service that you think is really cool and expect it to grow like wildfire. If you do, you already made the first mistake. A lot of companies think that if they create a twitter, Facebook, or some sort of online presence that all the users will just automatically flock to them. Businesses that flourish in the social media world are doing more than just putting their product in cyber space for all to see, they are executing it in such a way that makes the public turn, watch, and tune in.

The reason why I believe this campaign for IKEA worked well with Facebook is because they are the ones who made the first move towards user interaction. Most ads that I see on Facebook are pretty boring and mundane so it takes a special thing to make me want to click on the link. In the case of IKEA, they created a profile that was personal and then used the photos from there to generate more frequency. The users that were on the IKEA page a lot of the  time then went out to spread it to their friends and family. If you have not found this out by now, people are more likely to listen to you, buy things, and trust you if they are close to you or believe you are coming from good intentions.

That is why this campaign worked, because Ikea gained trust and then let the people take over.


I think this is the first  YouTube ad that I have actually watched in its entirety.

Amazingly, like most ads these days this one did not leave me with the dreaded “I just wasted a few moments of my life that I will never get back” feeling. If I was an iPhone user Google would have successfully accomplished their mission in making me use their Google Map application more than I hypothetically would have done in the past. 

I believe that great ads do more than just blab about the product before they then tell viewers to buy it. Great ads evoke an emotion that makes you WANT  to buy the product - this advertisement for Google Maps did just that.  Although it ran a little over two minutes, the length of it all really did not phase me. From the first moment I was engaged because I heard people like me - actual people and not actors - in the background. From there, they continued to let the victims and the rescuers tell their story without interruptions. It was not until more than half way in did they mention the actual product.THAT RIGHT THERE…can you say golden? It shows that this was more than the average persuasive ad but one that the public could relate to. That’s what people want to see. That’s what will get people thinking about products long after the hype has faded.

To see more of these type of “ads” Google uploaded onto YouTube, click this link . You won’t regret that you did.


I think this is the first  YouTube ad that I have actually watched in its entirety.

Amazingly, like most ads these days this one did not leave me with the dreaded “I just wasted a few moments of my life that I will never get back” feeling. If I was an iPhone user Google would have successfully accomplished their mission in making me use their Google Map application more than I hypothetically would have done in the past. 

I believe that great ads do more than just blab about the product before they then tell viewers to buy it. Great ads evoke an emotion that makes you WANT  to buy the product - this advertisement for Google Maps did just that.  Although it ran a little over two minutes, the length of it all really did not phase me. From the first moment I was engaged because I heard people like me - actual people and not actors - in the background. From there, they continued to let the victims and the rescuers tell their story without interruptions. It was not until more than half way in did they mention the actual product.THAT RIGHT THERE…can you say golden? It shows that this was more than the average persuasive ad but one that the public could relate to. That’s what people want to see. That’s what will get people thinking about products long after the hype has faded.

To see more of these type of “ads” Google uploaded onto YouTube, click this link . You won’t regret that you did.


I think this is the first  YouTube ad that I have actually watched in its entirety.

Amazingly, like most ads these days this one did not leave me with the dreaded “I just wasted a few moments of my life that I will never get back” feeling. If I was an iPhone user Google would have successfully accomplished their mission in making me use their Google Map application more than I hypothetically would have done in the past. 

I believe that great ads do more than just blab about the product before they then tell viewers to buy it. Great ads evoke an emotion that makes you WANT  to buy the product - this advertisement for Google Maps did just that.  Although it ran a little over two minutes, the length of it all really did not phase me. From the first moment I was engaged because I heard people like me - actual people and not actors - in the background. From there, they continued to let the victims and the rescuers tell their story without interruptions. It was not until more than half way in did they mention the actual product.THAT RIGHT THERE…can you say golden? It shows that this was more than the average persuasive ad but one that the public could relate to. That’s what people want to see. That’s what will get people thinking about products long after the hype has faded.

To see more of these type of “ads” Google uploaded onto YouTube, click this link . You won’t regret that you did.


I think this is the first  YouTube ad that I have actually watched in its entirety.

Amazingly, like most ads these days this one did not leave me with the dreaded “I just wasted a few moments of my life that I will never get back” feeling. If I was an iPhone user Google would have successfully accomplished their mission in making me use their Google Map application more than I hypothetically would have done in the past. 

I believe that great ads do more than just blab about the product before they then tell viewers to buy it. Great ads evoke an emotion that makes you WANT  to buy the product - this advertisement for Google Maps did just that.  Although it ran a little over two minutes, the length of it all really did not phase me. From the first moment I was engaged because I heard people like me - actual people and not actors - in the background. From there, they continued to let the victims and the rescuers tell their story without interruptions. It was not until more than half way in did they mention the actual product.THAT RIGHT THERE…can you say golden? It shows that this was more than the average persuasive ad but one that the public could relate to. That’s what people want to see. That’s what will get people thinking about products long after the hype has faded.

To see more of these type of “ads” Google uploaded onto YouTube, click this link . You won’t regret that you did.